Monday Jul 05, 2021

Geriatric Pharmacist - DeLon Canterbury, PharmD | PGx for Pharmacists

DeLon Canterbury is a Board Certified Geriatric Pharmacist.  He founded GeriatRx, a telehealth-based senior care consulting company.  GeriatRx combines Pharmacogenomic testing and Comprehensive Medication Management. He addresses the social determinants of health. He helps reduce medication errors and advocates for de-prescribing. Dr. DeLon helps improve patient safety and saves patients, their families, and the healthcare system money.  He manages patients across the state of North Carolina and demonstrates the value pharmacists add to healthcare delivery.   Dr. DeLon is an active Executive Board Member for the African-American Minority COVID Task Force in Durham, North Carolina, a Formulary Committee member of Senior PharmAssist at the Durham Senior Center for Life. He served as Community Health Coalition’s Telehealth Director, helping older African-American patients with wellness and reassurance check-ups during COVID.  

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